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Under the Hood: Exploring Betashares Diversified All Growth ETF (DHHF)

@EQUITYMATES|31 July, 2023

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Welcome to another in the series “Under the Hood,” where we take a deep dive into the world of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). In this episode, we explore the Betashares Diversified All Growth ETF (ASX: DHHF) and uncover valuable insights about this investment option. Let’s start by understanding the ETF’s name and what it reveals. Betashares, the product issuer, is known for offering diverse investment opportunities. The term “Diversified” suggests a broad range of assets within the ETF. Furthermore, “All Growth” indicates that DHHF is likely 100% invested in equities, making it an appealing choice for investors seeking growth potential.

To gather more information about DHHF, we turn to the issuer’s website, which serves as the best resource for details about the ETF’s purpose, construction, fees, performance, and top holdings.

DHHF aims to provide investors with low-cost exposure to a diversified portfolio that offers high growth potential. This makes it an attractive option for individuals with a high tolerance for risk, seeking substantial long-term returns.

Unlike many ETFs, DHHF does not track a specific index. Instead, the fund managers at Betashares employ an active management approach, making informed decisions about asset allocations and country allocations. This allows for a dynamic and adaptable portfolio that responds to market conditions.

Considering fees, DHHF boasts an appealing fee structure, with an annual management fee of 0.19%. The estimated cost amounts to a mere $19 per $10,000 invested, making it a cost-effective choice for investors.

Assessing the performance of DHHF is crucial for investors. While past performance does not guarantee future results, historical data and analysis available on Betashares’ website can provide valuable insights.

When it comes to the top holdings of DHHF, the Betashares website does not explicitly list specific assets. This is because DHHF does not track an index. However, rest assured that the investment team at Betashares utilizes a rigorous selection process to determine the ETF’s holdings. The decision-making process considers various factors, including company fundamentals, growth potential, and risk management.

DHHF fits into a portfolio as a long-term, core investment solution. By investing in DHHF, individuals gain exposure to a low-cost, diversified portfolio consisting of all-growth assets. This alleviates the burden of complex decision-making about asset allocations, as the Betashares team takes care of that for investors.

In summary, Betashares Diversified All Growth ETF (DHHF) is an all-in-one investment solution that offers exposure to a low-cost diversified portfolio of all-growth assets. With its active management approach and flexibility, DHHF provides investors with the potential for high growth over the long term. It is 100% invested in growth assets, providing access to approximately 8,000 equity securities listed on over 60 global exchanges.

To learn more about ETFs and their options for beginners, you can check out two informative episodes from Equity Mates. Episode 2 discusses ETFs for beginners: What are your options?, while Episode 1 covers ETFs for beginners: Basics 101. Additionally, for detailed information about the Betashares Diversified All Growth ETF (DHHF), you can visit their official website: Diversified All Growth ETF.

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