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Would you split the bill based on how much you earn? | Taboo money chats w Kath Ebbs

16 January, 2024

The saying, “don’t broach topics of sex, religion, or politics,” is widely known, and truthfully, money has consistently found a place within that. The fact of the matter is, money is still a taboo topic, and we aren’t properly educated on how to approach conversations about our finances. This summer series is here to break down that barrier, and give you the conversation starters you need to broach money chats in your own life. 

This week, Mads and Soph are chatting with the wonderful and very transparent Kath Ebbs. In part one they ask how social norms influence our views on money, and if you’d be open to splitting the bill with friends based on your income or savings balance. In part two, they discuss life as a freelancer, including the dilemma of navigating how much to charge, and valuing yourself as “the brand” versus “the person”. 

But the conversation doesn’t end here… we want your thoughts!

  1. Would you split the bill based on what you got paid?
  2. Have you struggled navigating pay as a freelancer?

Send your thoughts to these questions or other general thoughts about any of the discussion in the episode to yigc@equitymates.com for our brand new newsletter. And don’t forget to subscribe will you’re at it: https://taboo-money-convos.beehiiv.com/subscribe

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