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Bonus Episode: Meet the hosts of You’re In Good Company!

HOSTS Alec Renehan, Bryce Leske, Maddy Guest & Sophie Dicker|16 March, 2021

In this very special bonus introduction episode, Bryce and Alec interview our brand new hosts – Maddy and Sophie – so we can get to know them a little better. They talk about their plans for the podcast, a little about their investing journeys to date, and what listeners can expect as the series unfolds.


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Bryce Leske: [00:00:57] Welcome to a special bonus Equity mates media episode, where we'll be finding out who are the hosts for our new equity MIT's media show that we think is covering a super important topic. But as always, to do this, I am joined by my equity mate, Ren. [00:01:13][15.1]

Alec Renehan: [00:01:13] How are you? I'm good. Yes, I'm very excited for this episode, but even more excited for this new podcast. [00:01:19][5.6]

Alec Renehan: [00:01:19] Yes, big things happening at Equity mates Media and we're here too, I guess, pull back the covers a bit and find out about the two amazing hosts on a show about relationships. I know how that sounds. But anyway, look, we have on the line Carmel and Zoe, who are the amazing hosts behind Mate Pay Love, which will be launching on Valentine's Day. And this podcast is all about relationships. Zoe Karmel, welcome to the show. [00:01:53][33.4]

Carmel & Joe: [00:01:54] Thank you for having us. Thanks for us. Thanks, Alec. [00:01:56][2.5]

Bryce Leske: [00:01:57] So to kick things off, as we said, this is all about getting to know you. So how about we start with obviously the most basic of all questions and we will kick it off with you. Carmel, are you able to tell us a bit about yourself, perhaps what you do for a job? And given that this show is about relationships, are you in a relationship? [00:02:15][18.2]

Carmel Moorhead: [00:02:17] Yes. So I'm Carmel, I'm twenty-six. I'm, you know, right now almost four year relationships. I'm a lawyer. I work in property law and. Yes. [00:02:29][12.8]

Bryce Leske: [00:02:30] Have you ever done a podcast before? [00:02:31][1.1]

Carmel Moorhead: [00:02:33] No, no first podcast. [00:02:34][0.9]

Alec Renehan: [00:02:36] You go and then, Zoe, how about you? Can you tell us a bit about yourself? [00:02:39][3.0]

Zoe Moorhead: [00:02:40] Yes, I'm actually Carmel's little sister. I'm twenty four years old and I'm currently working in digital marketing. I've been with my partner for two years now and we've moved in together about six months ago. [00:02:52][11.8]

Bryce Leske: [00:02:53] Nice. And you both where you both living in the same city. Are you overseas? We're putting you in New York. [00:02:59][6.2]

Carmel & Joe: [00:03:01] I was living in Melbourne. Nice. Thankfully not together anymore, thankfully. [00:03:07][6.0]

Alec Renehan: [00:03:09] Now, this podcast, as we've said, is called Mate Pay Love. Carmel you can tell us a little bit about what you going to be talking about on the podcast and where did the inspiration for this podcast come from? [00:03:25][15.1]

Carmel Moorhead: [00:03:25] Yeah, so we talk all things money and relationships. The info came from listening to and pretty much actually. And I felt that I wanted to know more about your relationships or relationships in general when it comes to money. And how do you navigate things like investing or buying a house with your partner? I threw it out to my friendship group and lots of questions came back like, yeah, I've been wondering. I wanted to buy a house with my partner, but he has a lot more money saved than me or wins it. No, I'm going to move in together friends and I'm going to joint accounts. So the show covers topics like that. [00:04:03][38.0]

Bryce Leske: [00:04:04] Yeah, it's really interesting. I think it's a super important topic that is often not really discussed, as you mentioned, on really any podcast that we've been listening to, but also even among our friendship group, it's not something that our mates, you know, make public is the conversations that they're having with their partners. And, you know, that they're building how they're building wealth with their partners, which I think is a super important concept that you guys would be covering in the show. So have you always been interested in this finance space? I guess you've obviously come from a marketing background, but what kind of got you interested in this topic? [00:04:38][33.7]

Carmel Moorhead: [00:04:38] Well, I have to be honest, I haven't always been interested in finance. It's something that I wanted to know but never really put the time and effort into it. I'm kind of I I was interested in this topic because a lot of my friends and I was working casually quite recently and I just kind of got into my first full time job or it got a bit of disposable income. And I realized that it was inappropriate to talk about that in your friendship group when really I was just trying to learn about what to do with it. How do I invest if anyone else was investing or anything like that? So I wanted to get into this podcast so we could kind of normalize talking about money in any kind of relationship, you know, romantic relationships and your friendships. [00:05:20][42.1]

Alec Renehan: [00:05:21] So you've both been preparing this podcast for a couple of months now, obviously talking a lot about the financial side of relationships. You want to normalize talking about finance in relationships. Have you guys been talking about your finances with your partners? [00:05:38][17.2]

Carmel Moorhead: [00:05:41] Yes, yes, we have. Well, I always forget about money with my plan of hate and so much so that now I have to like scheduling finance time. Otherwise he's like, it's too much. I love it. And you start talking about it a little bit and I think my partner's into it. But I told him to one of our first episodes where we talk about de facto relationships. I came home after that interview and I told him what it was, what it was. And he was like, maybe we should have lived together. It's like, I don't know if we're ready to combine finances. [00:06:23][41.2]

Bryce Leske: [00:06:23] But yeah, I think listening to a couple of the episodes that we can expect on launch day, it sounds like you guys have gone on quite the journey yourselves in actually understanding, you know more about your relationship with your partner and have uncovered, I guess, some key themes that we can expect to get from the show. Are you able to sort of talk through what we can expect from the episodes, maybe some of the big topics that you've really enjoyed recording and that our listeners will, I guess, get something from this first? [00:06:58][34.7]

Carmel Moorhead: [00:06:58] Couple of topics have been really interesting because we've talked about being in a de facto relationship and what that is financial agreements and working and getting joint accounts with your partner and then financial red flag. So anything you can sort of look out for in a relationship where it's a bit uneasy, maybe you shouldn't necessarily be doing that or supporting that in your relationship [00:07:20][21.9]

Bryce Leske: [00:07:21] and who should be listening to this podcast? Like, do you have a I guess, a set target in mind? [00:07:25][4.2]

Carmel Moorhead: [00:07:27] Pretty much anyone. So if you're in a relationship, there are lots to learn about. You might be thinking, when's it normal to move in with your partner? But also if you're single and you're starting to create your own wealth and create your own assets, you might be thinking of what if I buy a house and then make the love of my life in five months' time? So we do talk mostly about people who are in their mid-20s to mid-thirties because that's when you might be starting your first serious relationship. But I think it will be relevant to most people. [00:08:02][35.1]

Alec Renehan: [00:08:02] Now, you guys speak to some of your friends, some just everyday people living in relationships or hoping to live in relationships. And you also speak to some of Australia's biggest experts, I guess, on money and relationships and the like. Who is some of the expert voices that we can expect to hear on the show. So we do want to tell us maybe some of the favorite, your favorite people you've interviewed. [00:08:28][25.6]

Zoe Moorhead: [00:08:29] Yeah, absolutely. So one of my absolute favorite favorites was Sarah Astron from Psychology, which we interviewed her on financial red flags. And I was honestly, honestly walking out of the interview was like my fists held high and fist pumping into supporting everything she's saying. I got so pumped up. [00:08:49][19.5]

Bryce Leske: [00:08:49] Nice. And what about you Carmel? [00:08:51][1.6]

Carmel Moorhead: [00:08:51] Come on. We hear from a financial adviser who tells us about his own personal story. He met his boyfriend, who was his personal trainer. So that was a standout interview for me. [00:09:04][12.7]

Bryce Leske: [00:09:05] Nice. [00:09:05][0.0]

Alec Renehan: [00:09:06] Nice. Well, the tagline for the show, and I honestly can't believe we haven't brought this up yet because this is maybe my favorite. No, I'm going to scratch that. This is definitely my favorite tagline of an equity markets media show. Mapei Love. The tagline is, The biggest financial decision you'll make is who you spend the rest of your life with. Great tagline. Who, who came up with that one? [00:09:30][24.1]

Zoe Moorhead: [00:09:31] I'm going to say, even though I'm the digital marketer, it was a combined not which means I came up. [00:09:40][8.9]

Bryce Leske: [00:09:41] Yeah, yeah. I, I think it really captures the essence of the show and looks so income. We are super excited for the launch of Meat Pay, Love and you know, hope that it is as successful as we truly believe it will be. I think there's going to be something in all of the episodes for everyone, as you said, come on, no matter where you are in a relationship, whether you've just kicked one off, whether you're not wanted at all, whether you have been in a relationship for 50 years, there is going to be something in this that will be applicable to everyone. So check it out. Valentine's Day, it will be launching and Zoe will also be active on Instagram. Zoe, you've set up the handle here. [00:10:24][43.6]

Speaker 2: [00:10:25] Yes, it's Meet Pay Love. [00:10:26][0.6]

Alec Renehan: [00:10:28] Nice. And under there, there's some strong names being posted as well. So if you enjoy a financial relationship, means head over hope. So you can keep that the quality of that content going. Yes, you set a high bar to begin with. [00:10:43][15.6]

Zoe Moorhead: [00:10:44] Equally, so much pressure. I think you've done really well. And you can also go into Instagram and see little dating profiles. And we do a little dating profile on the way interview as well. [00:10:57][13.3]

Bryce Leske: [00:10:58] Oh, nice guy. So check that out. Also for more information on the show, you can head to equity markets, dot com slash, meet, hyphen pay, hyphen love. And there's all the info there as well as the feed for the podcast. So plenty of ways to access the girls if you'd like to ask questions as the series goes. But, Soekarno, thank you for your time. All the best with the launch. We're super excited and keen to see how this goes. [00:11:25][27.0]

Carmel & Joe: [00:11:25] Thanks so much. We're really excited as well. And if anyone wants to reach out to us, please do. Thanks, guys, and thanks, Ross and Alex, for all your support with this as well. [00:11:25][0.0]


More About

Meet your hosts

  • Alec Renehan

    Alec Renehan

    Alec developed an interest in investing after realising he was spending all that he was earning. Investing became his form of 'forced saving'. While his first investment, Slater and Gordon (SGH), was a resounding failure, he learnt a lot from that experience. He hopes to share those lessons amongst others through the podcast and help people realise that if he can make money investing, anyone can.
  • Bryce Leske

    Bryce Leske

    Bryce has had an interest in the stock market since his parents encouraged him to save 50c a fortnight from the age of 5. Once he had saved $500 he bought his first stock - BKI - a Listed Investment Company (LIC), and since then hasn't stopped. He hopes that Equity Mates can help make investing understandable and accessible. He loves the Essendon Football Club, and lives in Sydney.
  • Maddy Guest

    Maddy Guest

    Maddy lives in Melbourne, works in finance, but had no idea about investing until she started recently. Her favourite things to do are watching the Hawks play on weekends, reading books, and she says she's happiest, 'when eating pasta with a glass of wine'. Maddy began her investing journey when she started earning a full time income and found myself reading about the benefits of compound interest in the Barefoot Investor. Her mind was blown, and she started just before the pandemic crash in 2020. What's her investing goal? To be financially independent for the rest of her life, and make decisions without being overly stressed about money.
  • Sophie Dicker

    Sophie Dicker

    Sophie lives in Melbourne, and enjoys playing sport, and then drinking red wine immediately after finishing sport. She works in finance, but honestly had no idea about investing until her partner encouraged her to start. She says, 'my interest has only taken off from there - I find it exciting… I mean who doesn’t like watching their money grow?' Her investing goal is to build the freedom to do things that she's passionate about - whether it be start a business, donate to causes close to her, or to take time out of the workforce to start a family. Right now, there’s no specific goal, she just wants to have the freedom when she'll need it.

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